
Strengthening Industrial Heat Pump Innovation in Europe

Veronika Wilk (AIT) and Michael Bantle (SINTEF) discuss the effect of Heat pumps for decarbonizing Industrial Heat

02 November 2020|Views: 2440|Tags:

The whitepaper that was published this summer (link) highlights the importance of Industrial Heat Pump technologies in reaching the goals of the Climate Agreement. In the context of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the EU initiatives on EU climate targets to cut greenhouse gas emissions by over 55% by 2030, as well as becoming climate neutral by 2050, a fundamental change in our energy systems and energy production is required. A number of different technology options are available to reach the targets including improving the technology performance, increased electrification, use of renewables in various sectors, as well as carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS). Cumulating the impact of the various measures shows that energy efficiency and electrification have a significant role to play to reach the desired targets. Here heat pumps can play a significant contribution by utilising the excess process heat. Process heat accounts for approximately 2/3rds of industrial energy consumption, and 80% of this energy currently comes from non-RES fossil fuels. This in turn has a big bearing on Co2 emissions (approx. 550 Mt/a). Heat pumps already play a role in temperatures below 100oCelcius and initiatives such as DryFiciency show that Heat pumps can also successfully be applied in temperatures between 100oC and 160oC. These temperature ranges can account for approximately 25% of the total Co2 emissions reduction. Waste heat recovery can be efficiently utilised to reduce the process heat requirements and thereby decrease energy requirements. The DryFiciency project aims to demonstrate in three different location and industries that these principles can be exploited economically and for the benefit of industry, consumers and the environment. 

To view the full presentation of Veronika Wilk and the white paper click here!