The scientific and technical work is organised in five work packages:
The main task of this work package is to assess all necessary input and boundary conditions of the industrial processes, where the heat pumps are integrated. Performance indicators are elaborated to be used for validation of the demo plants in WP5.
Work Package two is dedicated to adaptions on component level for both, the components to be used in the closed loop and the open loop heat pump technologies. This includes in particular research work to find a compatible refrigerant/ lubricant mixture for the Bitzer compressor to be used in the closed loop heat pump technology. For the open loop cycle, a lubrication/ oil free turbo-compressor will be developed and validated.
In this work package the thermal and hydraulic design of the main components of both heat pump cycles are developed. Dynamic simulations are used to specify the optimum configuration of the heat pump cycles under all operating conditions of the demonstrators. The open loop heat pump is assembled and tested at SINTEF. Detailed tender documents for the assembly of the two closed loop heat pump are elaborated to contract a heat pump manufacturer.
In this work package the integration of the heat pumps at the industrial system is elaborated. The integration layout of the demonstrators is developed in accordance with the quality and safety standards to be applied at each demonstration site, infrastructure compounds are dimensioned, designed and ordered. Commissioning of the demonstration plants is also carried out within WP4.
The end users will operate the demonstration heat pump systems in addition to their regular production facilities under real industrial production conditions. All relevant data will be recorded and regularly analysed to validate the targeted energy savings and to evaluate the key performance indicators defined.