
BITZER’s vision on DryFiciency

An interview with Julian Pfaffl

    Can you introduce yourself? What is your name and position/function in the company? My name is Julian Pfaffl and I am Head of Product Performance for BITZER Kühlmaschinenbau GmbH. My responsibilities are: Performance Data including  Eco-design required performance, Software Development for Product Selection,  Online Documentation and Research Projects.   What is your motivation to participate in the DryF project and develop new components for increasing energy efficiency in industry? By participating in the Dryficiency project, we are looking for new opportunities and other markets to bring and apply our intelligent and efficient products. We want to expand our customer base and support our customers in saving energy and fossil fuels. With our broad product portfolio of reciprocating, screw and scroll compressors we are always looking to shift the application limits beyond the horizon.   How important is the large/industrial heat pump market for you? BITZER sees large potential in high-temperature heat pump applications ranging from 85-140°C, including hot water, steam grids, drying and ventilation processes and district heating in system capacities from 30kW to 10MW. In heat pumps, BITZER compressors show their strengths off, masterfully. Whether in floor heating, as a hot-water supply in sanitary facilities and swimming pools, or in industrial processes – with high energy efficiency and low costs, BITZER has in its range the optimal compressor for any application. Varying from low-temperature ranges (around 35°C), medium temperature applications (50°C) or high-temperature systems (70°C), heat pumps with BITZER compressors always deliver outstanding efficiency and performance. This is because the compressors are built to be optimal for all conceivable applications and designed specifically for the right refrigerants. They are an investment that pays off in no time. Not only do operators save energy with the heat pumps but also, they recover the greatest possible amount of heat in high-and-low- temperature applications while cutting costs in the process.   What is the role of sustainability in your product development? We greatly value sustainability and we are committed to pursuing it, day by day. When it comes to environmental protection, we are a driving force in the industry. This is reflected in our energy-efficient products and in the responsible use of resources in our production processes. Numerous developments have allowed us to set new benchmarks in compressor and production technology and to corroborate our dedication to protecting the environment. As a result, we can benefit from exceptionally economical, effective and reliable systems.