
Project deliverables are formal documents foreseen in a contractual agreement between the project consortium and the European Commission. In an initial phase they include content description and a delivery date, however during project implementation they can report on many various research fields and take different forms. Most of the DryFiciency´s deliverables are classified as confidential and discuss scientific and technological activities, but some of them are public and cover other aspects of the project, including impact on the environment, knowledge transfer and project coordination. This page opens their public abstracts to the wider scientific community and industrial stakeholders and to any interested citizens as well.

Publishable abstracts

  • D1.1 Report on the boundary conditions for the heat pump cycles

This deliverable describes the boundary conditions for the three demonstrators to achieve optimal overall energy efficiency, while at the same time maintaining high product quality and short cycle times. In all three cases, the sensible heat of the drying agent is used as drying energy and can be recovered by a closed or an open loop heat pump.

This deliverable specifies key performance indicators (KPIs) which enable a comparable evaluation and clear validation of the impacts of the three heat pump demonstrators. These KPIs are the Coefficient of Performance (COP) of the heat pumps, the Specific Energy Consumption (SEC) of the drying system, the Sensible Heat Recovery (SHR) and the Reheating Ratio (RHR). Based on these indicators it is possible to determine the CO2 emissions avoided in the integrated heat pump dryers, the reduction in primary energy consumption, the increase in energy efficiency as well as the competitive advantage in the form of reduced production costs. In the deliverable, measured values are specified that are necessary to calculate the different performance indicators for the demonstration sites and that are used for the benchmark against the initial drying system without heat pump.

  • D2.1 Pre-market refrigerant HFO 1336mzz-Z 

This deliverable summarizes the analyses of the refrigerant for the closed loop heat pumps, OpteonMZ (HFO-1336mzz-Z) by Chemours. OpteonMZ is non-flammable and non-toxic. It has a minimum global warming potential (GWP) of <2 and is without ozone depletion potential (ODP). Therefore, it is not subject to the F-gas regulation and can be used without any further restrictions in the future. Chemours analyzed the refrigerant in regard to the main thermodynamic and transport properties. A special focus is set on the compatibility of OpteonMZ with relevant materials used in heat pump installations, such as sealing materials.

  • D2.2 Refrigeration oil selection and analysis

This deliverable summarizes the results of the comprehensive research work undertaken by FUCHS and Chemours in context with finding the best pair of lubricant/refrigerant. The lubricant is used in the compressors of the closed loop heat pumps. It has to be sufficiently viscous and stable at high temperatures and it should be miscible with the refrigerant. The operating conditions of the high temperature heat pump are challenging, the main focus is thereby on the chemical stability and the viscosity of the mixture of lubricant and refrigerant.

  • D2.3 Adapted and verified screw compressor for the closed loop cycle

This deliverable summarizes the results of the work of Bitzer. For the closed loop heat pump, a standard Bitzer screw compressor is adapted and further developed to fulfill the requirements of the high temperature application. It describes in detail the modifications and adaptions of the compressor.

  • D2.4 Newly developed and verified lubrication free turbo compressor for the open loop cycle 

This deliverable describes the design concept of a novel, oil-free, fully integrated turbo-compressor developed by ROTREX for the open loop heat pump system (Mechanical Vapor Recompression, MVR). It includes the design of the impeller and the gearbox and describes the fully integrated compressor design, as well as the results of the first test runs with air.

  • D3.1 Robust and extendable heat pump models 

This deliverable provides details on the numerical simulation work. The simulation models for the key components are presented, such as the compressors, heat exchangers, etc. They are used for the detailed design and dimensioning of the heat pump systems. During the demonstration phase, they will be used to develop improvements of the heat pump cycle. The modelling effort is tuned towards model robustness, easy extendibility of the components as well as efficient computation times.

  • D3.2 Configuration of the closed and open loop heat pump cycles 

This deliverable describes the simulation results of the heat pump cycle configuration. Various design cases were modelled and compared to be able to decide on the best configuration for all three demonstrators. For the closed loop heat pumps, four different water-to-water heat pump configurations were elaborated and compared regarding their efficiencies, costs and safety. The open loop heat pump will be integrated into a super-heated steam dryer. Therefore, this configuration is evaluated in detail. The result is a two-stage compression system which fine-tuned impeller geometries and de-superheating by water injection between the compression stages.

  • D3.3 Report on the quality and function tests at AIT and SINTEF

This deliverable describes mainly  the experimental investigation of the open loop system performed by SINTEF in its lab and the results achieved. The experimental work  has shown that utilizing turbo compressors from the automotive industry are a promising option for adapting mass-produced components for use in heat pumps.

  • D4.1 Layout of each heat pump system to be demonstrated

This deliverable describes the integration layouts for the demonstration sites at Mars, Agrana and Wienerberger. Based on the space requirements, the overall layout of the heat pump integration was developed, it includes the definition of the hydraulic and electric interfaces of the heat pumps to the existing infrastructure. Also, the operation schedule for the demo plant and control strategies were established.

  • D4.2 Tender document of specification including list of components for each demo site

This deliverable includes the specification of the entire heat pump systems including all additional equipment for the integration as well as sensors for control and monitoring. Comprehensive tender documents were prepared and published consisting of a description of the procedure and the scope of service included a detailed specification of all required components.

This deliverable  describes the finally constructed two closed loop and the open loop heat pump demonstrators and their integration into the respective drying processes in the ceramic, food and waste management industry.

  • D4.4 Protocol of first test run and signing off documents

This deliverable reports on the commissioning work on the three heat pump demonstrators and results achieved in the first trial test runs. The commissioning work was performed in two phases: functional testing of the main heat pump components (start-up) in “cold operation”, and functional testing of the heat pump in “hot operation

This deliverable reports on the design and configuration of the three novel heat pump prototypes and the research and development work undertaken on component and heat pump unit level so far. It provides an overview on the first project results achieved and on the reasoning of how certain decisions were made.

  • D5.1 Description of reliable data monitoring programme for each demo site

This deliverable reports on the work involved and results achieved in setting up reliable data acquisition systems (DAQs) at the three demo-sites. This included, amongst others, the devolpment of weekly reporting templates to be used for monitoring the operational performance of the heat pump demonstrators and their further operational improvements.

This deliverable reports on the energy savings achieved at the demo-sites.

  • D5.3 Monitoring protocol of the entire demonstration phase for each demo site

This deliverable reports on the timeline of events at the three demo-sites including both the maintaince and adjustment work required as well as the optimization measures planned on conceptional level and implemented in order to improve and optimize the heat pump demonstrators‘ efficiency.

This deliverable describes the work conducted, and selected results achieved during integration, commissioning and demonstration of the heat pump systems developed and demonstrated for the first time in an industrial setting.

  • D6.1 Project Website

This deliverable summarizes the design and implementation of the initial DryFiciency project website. The public site aims to present the work of the DryFiciency project to the general public, the scientific community, and the industry. The website will be continuously updated and extended with new functions and features.

  • D6.2 Initial Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication (DEC) Plan 

This deliverable provides a description of the dissemination, exploitation and communication (DEC) activities of the DryFiciency project with a special focus on Period 1. In addition, it contains an analysis of the stakeholder groups and the key messages to convey. In its two annexes, the standard operating procedures for a) exploitation (E-SOP) and b) dissemination (D-SOP) are described in detail.

  • D6.3 Report on dissemination and communication materials and activities

This deliverable provides an overview of DryFiciency dissemination and communication activities during the first 18 month period, such as establishing the general identity of the project, project website and social media channels, production of project dissemination materials and events the consortium attended to present and communicate the project.

  • D6.4 DEC Plan Update 1

This deliverable describes the strategy, objectives and implementation plan and includes two Annexes to ensure that communication, dissemination and exploitation activities inside and outside the consortium are integrated, during and perhaps post project. This document is an elaboration of, and implements the dissemination, exploitation and communication activities as described in the Description of Action (DoA) of the Grant Agreement and should not contradict the relevant sections of the Consortium Agreement. It can be seen as the operative ‘manual’ implementing the two aforementioned documents.

  • D6.5 First report on innovation and business model development

This deliverable describes the project situation regarding the development of business models and exploitation planning in project month 20. It also explains the methodology approved by the consortium partners in order to stimulate the generation of new business opportunities and to facilitate the discussions on exploitation agreements according to the rules established in both, the Consortium and the Grant Agreement. This deliverable aligns and expands upon deliverable D6.4 “DEC Plan update 2” (see above), which describes all activities planned for the second project period regarding Dissemination, and Communication, but also Exploitation of project results. The exploitation plans should describe the means for post-project use of results. The initial DEC Plan (Deliverable D6.2, see above) contained the Standard Operational Procedure for the development of exploitation plans (E-SOP). This report follows principles established in the E-SOP, which aims to clarify the essential aspects in exploitation planning, such as, the clarification of ownership of the results, the definition of IP protection measures according to the subject matter, the commercial potential of the respective result and the exploitation interests of other consortium partners.

  • D6.6 DEC Plan Update 2

This deliverable is an update from D6.4 DEC Plan Update 1 to serve as a consensus finding, information and control instrument on all Dissemination, Exploitation and Communication activities among all partners in the DryFiciency project. The DEC Plan describes the introduction, strategy, objectives, target groups, social media strategy, DEC activities broken down on task level with timeline and responsible organisation and their monthly implementation plan agreed and to be mutually executed by project partners.

  • D6.7 Second report on innovation and business model development

This deliverable describes the project situation regarding the development of business models and exploitation planning in project month 38. It also explains the methodology approved by the consortium partners in order to stimulate the generation of new business opportunities and to facilitate the discussions on exploitation agreements according to the rules established in both, the Consortium and the Grant Agreement. This deliverable aligns and expands upon deliverable D6.6 “DEC Plan update 2” (see above), which describes all activities planned for the second project period regarding Dissemination, and Communication, but also Exploitation of project results. The exploitation plans should describe the means for post-project use of results. The initial DEC Plan (Deliverable D6.2, see above) contained the Standard Operational Procedure for the development of exploitation plans (E-SOP). This report follows principles established in the E-SOP, which aims to clarify the essential aspects in exploitation planning, such as, the clarification of ownership of the results, the definition of IP protection measures according to the subject matter, the commercial potential of the respective result and the exploitation interests of other consortium partners.

  • D6.8 Final report on dissemination, communication materials and activities

This deliverable provides an overview of DryFiciency dissemination and communication activities from month 19 to month 60 such as the further development of the website, the use of popular social media channels Twitter and LinkedIn, event reports from conferences, the DryFiciency project was presented with its results, the DryF online seminar series and finally the DryF final conference.

This deliverable reports on the training and knowledge sharing formats, tools and materials developed to broadly spread the results, lessons learned, and experiences gained from the projects’ development and demonstration activities. The target groups to be profoundly informed and trained comprise especially energy managers, energy consultants, plant planners & engineer, but also policy makers on various levels. The formats developed and applied include five DryF online seminars, the DryFiciency training program consisting of three modules, and nine DryFiciency YouTube videos.

  • 6.10 Post-Project Exploitation Plan

This deliverable aligns and further elaborates on previous reports on innovation and business model development, namely, D6.7 “Second Report on Innovation and Business Development” (M38) and D6.8 “Final Report on Dissemination, Communication tools and Measures” (M60). The purpose of this document is to describe the post project exploitation and development plans. This entails  business models, IPR and exploitation planning of all Key Exploitable Results (KERs) from the project.

  • D7.1 Project Progress Update Report 

This deliverable describes the work conducted and results achieved on work package level in project month 9.

  • D7.2 Period 1 General Assembly Meeting Minutes

This report contains the minutes of the General Assembly Meetings of the first half of the project.

  • D7.3 Project Progress Update Report 

This report contains the minutes of the General Assembly Meetings of the second half of the project.