

BITZER leads with new generation of high temperature heat pump compressors

21 April 2021|Views: 2972|Tags:

Many parts of the compressor had to be adapted to fit the specific and demanding needs of the high temperature DryF applications. Key components such as pressure valves, check and shut off valves have been studied at higher temperatures together with oil and refrigerant combinations. Other mechanical parts within the compressors that have been upgraded to fit the requirements included the bearings, Schrader valves and sight glass. Materials compatibility were also scrutinized in detail. A large number of electronical parts were to be replaced and upgraded to withstand the new boundary conditions.

With these alterations and modifications completed and tested in the BITZER labs, four new generation compressors are now running for >2300 hours at the AGRANA Starch drying facility in Pischelsdorf, AT with promising results. “It has been a great experience to gain the insight of the working systems within DryFiciency and to test our new generation of compressors “ says Pfaffl“. “Thanks to DryFiciency we have also made new contacts and have started additional field trials with hybrid dryers from Geelen Counterflow in petfood and acquafeed to gain further know how and investigate scale up potential of the compressors”. 

DryFiciency has shown that the potential for this type of technology is huge and is only in the beginning of the new wave of heat pump development. This is confirmed by Pfaffl, “a complete series of high temperature compressors may be in line for BITZER in the future.”

Stay tuned on the developments of high temperature compressors and heat pumps and download the full presentations here.

Watch the full recording here.

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