
Pump it Up: High temperature heat pumps in energy intensive industries

Final Conference

28 April 2021|Views: 6045|Tags:

The goal of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050, puts the industry in a key role when it comes to accelerating the energy transition by providing clean, affordable innovative technology solutions, while developing new business models, creating new products, services and markets.

The heat pump technology has not only matured towards an ecological and economically viable alternative to traditional residential heating technologies. Besides its importance in the residential heating market, there is another, yet to be developed market for heating and cooling: commerce and industry as well as regional and municipal energy distribution. Energy-wise this market is similar to the total residential heating market.

Europe’s industry is using approximately 2000 TWh of energy each year, most of it for heating and cooling of processes. By tradition, a large part of these processes is operated on steam or the direct use of fossil energy and electricity. Heat pumps are a niche in this segment, despite their opportunity to connect waste energy and energy demand at different locations, on different temperature levels, and at different times.

Industrial heat pumps provide energy from a few hundred kilowatts to megawatts both as heating and cooling. They are most efficient if both services are needed and the waste heat from a cooling process can be used as a source for a heating process and vice versa. Thus the technology helps to close energy cycles. 

DryFiciency´s vision is to foster competitiveness, improve the security of energy supply and promote sustainable production in Europe by mainly focusing on the application of heat pumps in industrial drying and dehydration processes of the agricultural, ceramic, and pet food industry.

The ultimate goal of DryFiciency project is to elaborate technically and economically viable solutions for upgrading idle waste heat streams to process heat streams at higher temperature levels up to 160 °C. 

The event will showcase these solutions for leading the European energy intensive industry to high energy efficiency and a reduction of fossil carbon emissions by means of waste heat recovery.

The online conference aims at highlighting the remarkable versatility of industrial heat pumps in various industrial processes.

By addressing the different aspects of the solution starting with components, working systems,    different case studies of the open-loop and closed-loop heat pump system, the event will connect the dots and act as a co-creation platform between the relevant actors.


10:00 am - 10:10 am - Welcome and introduction to the conference

10:10 am - 10:25 am - Keynote: Net Zero by 2050: A Roadmap for the Global Energy Sector

    Timur Gül, Head, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA

    Peter Levi, Industry Sector Lead, Energy Technology Policy Division, IEA

10:25 am - 10:35 am - Presentation: Introduction to the DryFiciency project - Veronika Wilk, Senior Research Engineer, AIT AUSTRIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY,

10:35 am - 10:55 am - Keynote: Initial situation, Expectations and Results of DryF Closed Loop System  

Demonstration of Wienerberger and Agrana Demonstrations

10:55 am - 11:10 am - Keynote: Initial situation, Expectations and Results of DryF Open Loop System  

    Michael Bantle, Senior Research Scientist, SINTEF Energy Research Jan Haraldsen, Chairman, EPCON Evaporation Technology AS

Demonstration Scanship/Lindum

11:10 am - 11:45 am - 1st Panel Discussion: Demonstration results and potential uptake of High Temperature heat pump solutions in industrial processes 

    Norbert Harringer, Chief Technology Officer & Member of the Board of AGRANA Group Johannes Rath, CTO, Wienerberger Building Solutions Pål Jahre Nilsen, VP Innovation, Scanship

Followed by Q & A

11:45 am - 12:00 pm - BREAK 

12:00 pm - 12:20 pm - Presentation: Impact of DryFiciency for Industrial strategy and policy

    Thomas Nowak, Secretary General, EHPA

12:20 pm - 13:20 pm - 2nd Panel Discussion: Looking forward - DryFiciency as a best practice - Next steps for the development of technology

Followed by Q & A

13:20 pm - 13:30 pm - Closing Session