DryFiciency at ECEEE2020: Industrial Efficiency: Decarbonize Industry!

DryFiciency at ECEEE2020: Industrial Efficiency: Decarbonize Industry!

Veronika Wilk on the operation of the DryF high temperature heat pump and the barriers for implementation

Veronika Wilk gave a paper presentation “High temperature heat pumps for industrial processes – application and potential” focusing on the DryF high temperature heat pump developed and successfully demonstrated for brick drying at Wienerberger including also a techno-economic assessment thereof.

30 Oktober 2020|Views: 2270|Tags:
27 Oktober 2020|Views: 2033|Tags:

Strengthening Industrial Heat Pump Innovation in Europe

Discuss the outcome on the whitepaper for decarbonizing Industrial Heat

On Thursday the 29th of October at 15:00 (CET) TNO are organizing an interactive session with presentations, interviews, polls and questions from the audience to interact with policy makers and industry stakeholders on the importance and the impact that Heat Pumps can have in industrial processes and why awareness is so important on this topic to meet the climate goals.

Among the speakers there will be the experts that contributed to the white paper, including Veronika Wilk (AIT) and Michael Bantle (SINTEF) who will share the latest developments of the DryFiciency project mentioned in the whitepaper as best practise example.

 To view the full presentation please use the follwing link

12 Oktober 2020|Views: 1990|Tags:


Online Event on 30 September 2020, 10.10am to 11:22am

The goal of becoming the world’s first climate-neutral continent by 2050, puts the industry in a leading role when it comes to accelerating the energy transition by providing clean, affordable technology solutions while developing new business models, creating new products, services, and markets.

25 September 2020|Views: 2117|Tags:

EVENT REPORT: Marktpotential für Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpen in Europa?

EnInnov2020, 16th Symposium on Energy Innovation Feb 2020, Graz

Mit 27% des Endenergieverbrauchs ist die Industrie nach dem Verkehrssektor der zweitgrößte Energieverbraucher in Österreich. Dieser Sektor soll langfristig mit erneuerbarer Energie versorgt werden, um die internationalen Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen. Wärmepumpen für industrielle Anwendungen werden als ein zentrales Element in der zukünftigen Energieinfrastruktur gesehen und können einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Effizienzsteigerung industrieller Prozesse und zur Vermeidung von CO2-Emissionen leisten.

12 März 2020|Views: 2695|Tags:

The XX Heat Pump Forum

BRUSSELS, MAY 27-28TH 2020

DryFiciency Partner EHPA’s annual flagship event – XX Heat Pump Forum – is taking place on 27th and 28th May, 2020, at Event Lounge in Brussels. This year we are not only celebrating our XX anniversary, but also the XX anniversary of our silent pact to build a sustainable future. Learn more about DryFiciency there.

More information here.

Register now here.


12 März 2020|Views: 4218|Tags:

Electrification Europe 2019 International Summit

Paris, October 16-17th 2019

Mid-October 2019 the „Electrification Europe 2019 International Summit“ will be held in Paris, France. The focus of this event is to highlight solutions for a decarbonized future for Europe.

EVENT REPORT: ICR 2019 – 25th IIR International congress of refrigeration

Montreal 24.-30.8.2019

The ICR conference is the world’s leading event for research and industry in the HVACR sector taking place every four years. 850 participants from 45 countries participated in the 25thIIR Congress on Refrigeration held in Montreal from 24th to 30th August 2019. In total, 534 oral presentations based on manuscripts were given in 9 workshops which covered all topics relevant for refrigeration including also (high temperature) heat pumps and energy recovery. Additionally, 72 posters were presented.

18 September 2019|Views: 5195|Tags:

EVENT REPORT: 2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps

Copenhagen 9.9.2019

On Sept 9th 2019, SINTEF Energi AS  arranged in collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark, and the Danish Technological Institute and with financial support from the Research Council of Norway, the 2nd Conference on High Temperature Heat Pumps in Copenhagen.

18 September 2019|Views: 2933|Tags:

European Heat Pump Summit 2019

Nuremberg, October 23-24th 2019

We are happy to welcome you back after great summer days and hoping you will have a ‚heated‘ autumn ahead of you. Our first announcement this season is the European Heat Pump Summit 2019.