Industrial Strategy & Heat Pumps

Industrial Strategy & Heat Pumps

Impact of Heat Pumps

Heat pumps will play a major role in the upcoming „New Industrial Strategy for the EU“ and here are some of the reasons why they should. 

27 Oktober 2020|Views: 2101|Tags:


AGRANA showcases DryFiciency Heat Pump

Thomas Laminger, Assistant Production Manager of AGRANA, showcased the operation of the DryFiciency closed loop heat pump system at AGRANA’s wheat starch processing facility in Pischeldorf, AT at the recent EHPA online event.

12 Oktober 2020|Views: 2454|Tags:

Large scale heat pumps in Europe – 3rd edition


EHPA´s third edition of ‘’Large Scale Heat Pumps in Europe’’ brochure includes 16new projects, in which heat pumps have been deployed to improve the energy efficiency of a production cycle or a heating and cooling system. 

DryFiciency participates in the booklet with its project of high-temperature heat pumps featuring the Use of Waste Heat for Starch Drying at AGRANA. (picture)

Please view or download here.

12 März 2020|Views: 2820|Tags:

EVENT REPORT: Marktpotential für Hochtemperatur-Wärmepumpen in Europa?

EnInnov2020, 16th Symposium on Energy Innovation Feb 2020, Graz

Mit 27% des Endenergieverbrauchs ist die Industrie nach dem Verkehrssektor der zweitgrößte Energieverbraucher in Österreich. Dieser Sektor soll langfristig mit erneuerbarer Energie versorgt werden, um die internationalen Klimaschutzziele zu erreichen. Wärmepumpen für industrielle Anwendungen werden als ein zentrales Element in der zukünftigen Energieinfrastruktur gesehen und können einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Effizienzsteigerung industrieller Prozesse und zur Vermeidung von CO2-Emissionen leisten.

12 März 2020|Views: 2962|Tags:

Pump it up! DryF successfully demonstrates first industrial high temperature heat pump in use at Wienerberger brick plant

Uttendorf 11.12.2019

The first industrial high-temperature heat pump at Wienerberger went into demo operation. The DryF heat pump converts industrial waste heat into usable energy and is now being used in the brick works of Wienerberger in Uttendorf, Austria.

The Demonstration was attended by experts from European industries as well as leading energy integrators. The Heat Pump will now run over a period of time to assess the efficiency of the system in terms of performance parameters, energy efficiency, and validation of energy savings.

19 Dezember 2019|Views: 2987|Tags:

Successful Factory Assembly Tests for novel Steam Turbo Compressors

#SINTEFblog 2019

As part of the EU-project DryFiciency, SINTEF is developing and testing a novel compressor type together with ROTREX: a so-called turbo compressor. The challenge was to design a gearbox which results in a rotational speed of up to 80.000 rpm for an impeller size of 15 cm and at the same time seal the compressor room from the drive unit. This week the factory assembly tests were finalized successfully and the design is approved for a heat pump application and other steam compression processes.

„The main component in an open loop heat pump system is the compression device“ Michael Bantle (Senior Research Scientist at SINTEF Energy Research, Department of Thermal Energy), recently published a blog article about their work on turbo compressors in the #SINTEFblog. Read more about the full story here.

DryFiciency EEAB workshop in Salzburg

The DryFiciency consortium and leading industrial heat pump experts, energy consultants, industry associations and industrial end users from the External Experts Advisory Board (EEAB) met for a Business Development workshop in Salzburg ahead of the 1st Demonstration Event of the DryFiciency High Temperature Heat Pump System.

10 Dezember 2019|Views: 2304|Tags:

First Demonstration of the DryF Heat Pump system to be conducted at Wienerberger AG

Fourth Quarter 2019

Wienerberger has integrated the DryF closed loop high temperature heat pump demonstrator in a brick drying system at their production site in Uttendorf, Upper Austria.

The heating capacity of the heat pump demonstrator is 400 kW, with a heat supply temperatures range from 110 to 160°C. The heat pump on site will replace a natural gas burner and shall lead to end energy savings of up to 84% and reductions in CO2 emissions of about 80%. 

DryFiciency welcomes new consortium member Scanship

Third Quarter 2019

From Q3 2019 the DryFiciency consortium will be sporting a new member in its midst: The Norwegian waste and waste water management pioneer Scanship will be responsible to conduct dryer test runs of the MVR system in a land-based waste management system in Drammen (Norway) for bio-sludge drying.

Event report: Electrification Europe 2019 International Summit – Solutions for a decarbonized society

Paris 16.-17.10.2019

On October 17th, Veronika has participated in Session 3B „Decarbonizing Industry (Industrial processes — manufacturing, chemicals, plastics, agriculture — represent major challenges and opportunities. What technology breakthroughs are needed in this critical sector?)“. She has given a presentation on “Industrial heat pumps” highlighting DryFiciency as an innovative H2020 research project in this field.

30 Oktober 2019|Views: 2175|Tags: