Compressor delivery paves way for first heat pump demos

Compressor delivery paves way for first heat pump demos

Unique compressor technologies aim to support reduced fossil fuel dependency of industry

Compressors from Viking Heat Engines and Bitzer – specially engineered to reach up to 160 °C – have been delivered to an experienced Austrian heat pump manufacturer and work is underway to build the first industrial, high-temperature heat pump systems to be installed at DryFiciency’s demo partner sites. 

Compressor delivery paves way for first heat pump demos

Unique compressor technologies aim to support reduced fossil fuel dependency of industry

28 Jänner 2018|Views: 1880|Tags:

Compressor delivery paves way for first heat pump demos

Unique compressor technologies aim to support reduced fossil fuel dependency of industry

Compressors from Viking Heat Engines and Bitzer – specially engineered to reach up to 160 °C – have been delivered to an experienced Austrian heat pump manufacturer and work is underway to build the first industrial, high-temperature heat pump systems to be installed at DryFiciency’s demo partner sites.

Impressions from DryFiciency´s 3rd Consortium Meeting in Trondheim

20 - 21 November 2018, Trondheim, Norway

Consortium members met between 20.-21. November 2017 in Trondheim – Norway for its 3rd consortium meeting. To lead to successful post-project opportunities of DryFiciency project, the focus of this meeting was business model development and exploitation strategies. Additionally, a visit to scientific partner´s (SINTEF) research facilities took place.

Event report: DryFiciency at European Heat Pump Summit 2017

24 - 25 October 2017, Nuremberg, Germany

DryFiciency project was presented at the European Heat Pump Summit 2017 in Nuremberg.

Agrana and DryFiciency: the interview

´´Heat pump technology shows potential to reach energy-savings, impossible to be reached by other technologies. It is considered to open doors for heat pump technology in AGRANA’s production plants in the future.´´

Emmerich Haimer, responsible Technician at AGRANA Starch GmbH

22 Mai 2017|Views: 3718|Tags:

Wienerberger and DryFiciency: the interview

An interview with Dirk Saldsieder

“DryFiciency is offering a competitive advantage through demonstrating best available heat pump technology to recover latent energy from moist air flows. It´s what the industry needs.”

Dirk Saldsieder, Head of R&D and Process Technology at Wienerberger AG


22 Mai 2017|Views: 3565|Tags:

Mars and DryFiciency: the interview

An interview with Ingeborg Peters

“With DryFiciency project, we aim for 60-80% energy reduction in our drying operations. This a very ‘hot topic’ and an important step in our journey towards becoming 100% fossil fuel-free operation by 2040. Indeed, DryFiciency is an exciting project with a lot of potentials!”

Ingeborg Peters , Global Petcare Technology Development Manager at Mars GmbH


22 Mai 2017|Views: 3309|Tags:

Event report: DryFiciency at Decarb Heat 2017

11 May 2017, Brussels, Belgium

Decarbheat2017 brought together many stakeholders with a shared vision of carbon-free future. Sector commitment is present and strong but will it actually make it happen? Electrification, district heating, and industrial processes are set as priorities for action, while energy efficiency, heat pumps and greater share of renewables were deemed as the remedy.

Event report: DryFiciency at Chillventa 2016

11-14 October 2016, Nuremberg, Germany

The DryFiciency project was present at the Chillventa fair that took place in Nuremberg on 11-14 October 2016.

22 November 2016|Views: 3100|Tags: